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The contestants should be well prepared for this segment by being familiar with important facts about your school’s history, location, and motto and at least one distinguished Barbadian to have passed through its ranks. This information should be coupled with facts about yourself and will comprise the introduction segment of the competition. You will be judged on your command of the English language, vivacity of delivery, diction, fluency and obvious pride in your school. This segment will be executed in FULL school uniform which will also be scrutinized in the judging criteria, for its carriage and deportment.
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Contestants are advised that no talent should be shorter than three minutes forty-five seconds and a maximum of five minutes, with a margin of an extra twenty seconds MAXIMUM. At the discretion of the judges, you MAY be penalized for exceeding the timeframe, but consideration will be given if it is obvious that your talent would be much less impactful without the extra time. A timekeeper will be in place on the night of the talent segment.
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Intermission will be 20 minutes. – During this time snack lightly, and do not ruin the formal wear and make-up. The contestants will not interact with the audience at any time during intermission. This time should also be used to prepare for the questions. As the Emcee is instructed to proceed to the next name if the participants make no appearance within 5 seconds of the announcement of their name for formal wear, contestants should make every effort to be all ready for this segment by the end of intermission.
As it is a school pageant, certain standards must be maintained, and judges will be advised against over-exposure of the body while being reasonably liberal accommodating the ingenuity and creativity of the students and their designers. Again, during this segment contestants will be judged on their fashion consciousness, originality, general design, the fit of the clothing, accessories, and the difference between casual and formal walks, but the bulk of the judging segment will be attributed to your entire presence, facial expression poise and carriage of outfit on stage.
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The questions will be prepared by the contestants themselves, and after choosing the question it will be known whose question the contestant will be answering. Contestants will be judged on command of the English language, vivacity of delivery, diction, volume, fluency and relativity of answer to question.
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The results will reflect a competition of Kings against Kings and Queens against Queens. The event will not be a couples competition and therefore schools’ representatives will not affect one another’s points. On the night of the event, the contestants' pre-judging points will be an additional judge and will reflect the points amassed during rehearsals and functions. The results will be mentioned in the form of three eliminations. First, there will be a top ten both for males and females, then a top five. From the top five, the 2nd runners-up, 1st runners up and winners will be announced.
In closing we would like to solicit the full participation of the school roll and staff towards the delegates' detailed preparation, as well as coming out to lend their support for the participants at the event. Please also be advised that there are other awards to be won by the schools like School Best Represented In The Audience, which will be adjudged the night by sheer numbers, balloons, flags and general representation of the school; Most Dedicated Principals which will be gleaned by reporting how well the principal got the school roll out to support e.g. encouraging students to support the ambassadors at assembly, to buy tickets etc…; Most Dedicated Member Of Staff which will be decided by the organizers by observing the chaperon’s involvement in the preparations for the event.
The delegates are advised that no one is to accompany them to rehearsals besides the chaperone (member of staff assisting) and humbly suggest that kind parents and guardians drop off and collect the competitors on time before and after rehearsals. Please comply with this request as this will form part of the Congeniality and Compatibility points. This is not an attempt to isolate parents from their children, but do advise that we have experienced very regrettable incidents between parents of contestants during rehearsals.